Youth Ministry Logo

Youth Ministry Vision

Our desire is to give our students a strong foundation in their faith by building them up with the teaching of the word. Everything is built around that. No gimmicks, no pandering, just presenting the truth of scripture and it’s application in a way that’s tailored for the youth.


Special Events

We have a number of fun events for students, and a calendar with events is available upon request at youth group, or via the Church Center App. (Click here to get the App. We would be happy to help you with setup if needed on a Sunday before church.)

Events we’ve done in the past include:

Game Night

Movie Night



Mexico Caravan Service Trip

…and more!

We Meet Sundays @5

Come join us at youth group for teaching of the word, worship, small groups, snacks, and games. Here’s the schedule for a typical Sunday:

5:00 - 5:30 Games

5:30 - 6:00 Snacks or Meal

6:00 - 6:30 Worship

6:30 - 7:00 Teaching

7:00 - 7:30 Small Groups

Sundays @5PM in the Youth House

Parents: If you’re looking for a small group, there are two different ones that meet during youth group. Ask Jason Baker for Details.

Connect with the group on our App! Download it from the button below